
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Markjelke pumped-storage power plant is located in Kvinnherad Municipality in Vestland County.

  • 2007
    Entered into operation
  • -0.5 MW
  • -4.6、妇女

The license to develop the power plant with its two pumps was granted in 2005 and the plant was commissioned in the summer of 2007.

The power plant is located downstream from Jukla pumped-storage power plant and has Lake Markjelkevatn as its reservoir.

(图片来源:Geir J. 克努森)

The station's two pumps are driven by 600 kW motors which achieve a water flow of 0.4 cubic metres per second and can lift the water 60-128 metres.

The plant pumps operating water from Lake Markjelkevatn into the waterway below Jukla power plant. The water is transferred in this way into Lake Svartedalsvatn and Lake Mysevatn, the intake reservoirs for Mauranger power plant.

(图片来源:Geir J. 克努森)
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